Prioritat Total Cura De Mascotes Totes Les Revistes Naturals
Prioritat Total Cura De Mascotes Totes Les Revistes Naturals

Carolina Prime Pet Inc., fabricant i distribuïdora de llaminadures per a gossos, ha publicat una retirada voluntària. El producte següent pot comportar un risc per a la salut de Salmonella:

Priority Total Pet Care Totes les tires de toros naturals, paquet de 5 recomptes

UPC: 0-21130-42080-3

Codi de lot: 20082712 S 3195 i Codi de lot: 20090312 S3195

Els números de codi UPC i de lot es poden trobar a la part posterior del paquet.

Segons un comunicat de premsa de la FDA, aquest producte va donar positiu a Salmonella en una prova realitzada pel Departament d’Agricultura de Colorado. En el moment del comunicat de premsa no es van informar casos de Salmonella relacionats directament amb Priority Total Pet Care All Natural Bullstrips. Les delícies que es recordaven es van distribuir des del primer de setembre fins ara.

priority total care bullstrips, dog treat recall, salmonalle poisoning
priority total care bullstrips, dog treat recall, salmonalle poisoning

if you or your pets have had contact with the recalled treats, you are advised to watch for symptoms that may develop. common symptoms associated with salmonella poisoning include diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, loss of appetite, fever, and vomiting. if you or your pet experience any of these symptoms, it is important that you contact a medical professional for further assistance. it is also important ot keep in mind that a dog may be infected with salmonella without showing symptoms and still pass the infection onto other pets in the home.

as of this date, no related illnesses have been reported.

customers who purchased the recalled treats are urged to discontinue use immediately and discard of the product safely or return it to the purchase location for replacement or refund. for more information, please contact carolina prime pet inc. at 1-888-370-2360, mon-fri. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm est.
